Healthy Business
May 4, 2022

BUSINESS STEWARDSHIP | Stewardship of Business According to the Bible

Most entrepreneurial dads want to stay healthy and fit, but they find it hard to balance their work, family, and health.

When it comes to being a good steward of a business, it's more than just making profit. The way we go about running our business, working with integrity, and serving others is paramount. Getting the sale isn't the most important thing. Presenting yourself as Christ's disciple in each situation is the most important thing.  Every business is a people business, and it's of utmost importance to keep people in mind within your own organization as well as the clients you serve.

Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." In all the work we do and the way we conduct our business, we should be doing all of it as if we are doing it unto the Lord Himself.

Brett & Mike define stewardship and business stewardship in this episode. Listen as Brett & Mike share personal testimonies, scripture on how to view work, and how to set and keep the right priorities in business that will help enable you to thrive as a good steward for God.

BUSINESS STEWARDSHIP | Stewardship of Business According to the Bible