Healthy Faith
May 4, 2022

Christian Missionaries in India | Building the Church Like in the Book of Acts | Josh Howard

There are millions of people who have never heard the gospel in so many countries.

There are millions of people who have never heard the gospel in so many countries. It can seem challenging to be a missionary in a foreign place and try to build the church. How is it done effectively?

Josh Howard has spent the past 16 years of his life as a Christian missionary in India. In his time their, thousands of people have been reached and come to Christ. Some people imprisoned in child-trafficking have been rescued as he and his wife helped free them and care for them in the aftermath. Many people who were deaf or blind or paralyzed were miraculously healed when receiving Jesus. Josh and his family truly have experienced building the church like in the book of Acts. Truly a testimony to the fact that Jesus really is alive.

Josh shares some of his stories and current situations in India today. He updates on next steps and what he sees that God has for him in this new season. And he discusses the importance of healthy church planting and the important role entrepreneurs and businessmen play in helping to build the church.


Christian Missionaries in India | Building the Church Like in the Book of Acts | Josh Howard

BRETT: Families what's going on? This is Brett Snodgrass with another episode of The Iron Deep podcast. And I got a good friend on the podcast episode with me. He is no stranger to this particular podcast. He's actually been on here a couple times. Mr Josh Howard. What's going on Josh?  

JOSH: Hey Brett! Good to be here again man. It's awesome to awesome to get on today and and chat with you a little bit.  

BRETT: Yeah definitely. Well I'm really looking forward to this particular podcast episode. We got a lot to unpack... today. Just about Josh. And if you guys um haven't heard of Josh Howard he's actually been on the podcast a couple of times he uh when we transitioned more from the real estate podcast to more of a purposeful impact podcast about Kingdom podcast he was one of our very first guests on our particular podcast we talked about his mission uh field in India he's actually lived in India for the last 16 plus years uh with his wife and his family they've been planning several thousands thousands of churches in India uh he is a discipleship maker um he uh another organization he's part of is uh so he's really you know just to introduce you Josh you have really excited about making disciples for the kingdom and that's I think been your calling that's been your passion that's obviously Jesus's last words right to to make disciples of all the nations and that's exactly what you're doing and and you're in this new transition you're in this new season that we're going to really unpack and talk about and you're actually joining into the iron deep organization which I'm super excited about because I just I love your heart I love your experience and I love your passion for spreading the gospel uh in the kingdom and and discipleship in in uh in Iron deep as well throughout so but let's just talk about a little bit more about you those who have not listened to those particular episodes let's talk about Josh Howard who are you and kind of what have you been up to man yeah bro um yeah so like you mentioned for 16 years we've been here in South Asia and uh I married a beautiful woman uh a little over 16 years ago she's uh an Indian woman who um just has a a beautiful heart and incredible hearts and uh uh we've been serving uh with her parents actually her parents started a organization called uh Central India Christian Mission about I mean it's been 40 something years ago now almost 45 years ago uh that they started that organization and so for the for the first 15 years that I was here um I was working with that organization doing mainly two things um we were leading a um uh a church planting school where we were raising up young Church Planters to go to start Church to go to start new churches in um unreached areas um and then I also launched a branch of the ministry called ignite that was all about like you mentioned discipl making and and multiplying disciples and then multiplying simple house churches out of that and so our vision really was to help raise up everyday people on how they can Go Make Disciples how they can share their faith how they can spread the love and the light of Jesus everywhere that they go um and so that's really what would been focused on things in South Asia got pretty difficult over the last two years or so and so about a year ago I actually uh had to step away from the organization for multiple different reasons that we don't have to go into on this podcast but um the with with the government and and all sorts of different issues um with against Christianity here in South Asia uh it really kind of forced our hand to make a transition and so that's kind of what leads us to this next season but but our heartbeat uh for this entire time has really been um how do we how do we build the kingdom and multiply the kingdom all over South Asia and multiple different nations um and that's really been uh what we dream about what we pray about what we focus on every day um and that's really been our heartbeat my wife um for 19 years led a children's Sumer or an orphanage uh here in South Asia um and because of all the government issues the government actually came in and and shut down uh the children's home about three or four months ago now um and so that was incredibly difficult and and Incredibly emotional um but she really has given her life for uh impoverished kids and and orphan children here in South Asia as well and and is really uh she's just an incredible woman so wow anyway that's kind of the 30,000 foot view Man without getting into too many of the the deeper details but yeah yeah yeah yeah well I know uh you know those who are listening in might not it might not seem like it but Josh is obviously his whole family is in this transition when you talk about uh just persecution right and sometimes here in America uh you know we don't we don't have that we don't have a lot of that persecution with the Christian church and but it is real uh you know throughout the world it is it is completely real and you're having a lot of just government persecution it sounds like uh with with your own role and and planning these churches with your wives I mean I can't imagine the emotional toll that that's been on something who someone who has put their life into something for a decade plus you know 15 19 years I think you believe believe you said and uh and then having someone just come in and and and and shut it out uh and and they can and and just to have that that control I can't imagine what that's like and uh you know whenever you talk Josh the thing that I love is it really just goes back to the early church I think you you've done revivals in Sri Lanka uh lately that I've been kind of following a little bit and just kind of you know the the mission the discipleship making throughout India really just reminds us of the early church sometimes here in America you know we think of church as the big church with with a screen with the band things like that and really it's it's really just going back to the Everyday People early church going from town to town going from house to house building out and and discipleship making and building that community and can you describe that just a little bit more of the movement of these aren't the big building churches but these are just everyday people going out and going from town to town and just preaching the preaching the message the good news can you talk about that a little bit more yeah absolutely yeah absolutely bro um I've got a buddy of mine in England he's a good friend his named Steve uple and and he says all the time that you know kind of the goal Behind These movements is to get back to factory settings or to get back to the to the blueprint of the early church um and so so basically at the end of the day that's really what our heart is it's it's to take the essence and the foundation that Jesus Built in the gospels in the book of Acts and basically say what does it look like to live like that now what does it look like to continue the movement that Jesus started 2,000 years ago and and there are a few main things that that we really focus on in order to see that happen um and and really the main ones are this we we want to raise up and release the priesthood of all believers and so it's not just about having professionals that are out there you know the pastors and the preachers and the Bishops and the Cardinals or whoever you want to whatever titles you want to give them Reverend um it's it's really not just about the uh professionals it's about raising up the priesthood of all believers raising up the Ley uh to be disciples who make disciples because really at the end of the day Jesus called all of us not just the leaders of churches but every single person to be a disciple who makes more disciples and so in order to see that happen the majority of our time and energy and effort has gone into training equipping and releasing everyday Ordinary People um in order to teach them how do they go out how do they begin to share the love of Jesus with people how do they present the gospel in simple reproducible ways and then how do they make disciples of people that respond Disciples of people that say yes and then form them into small communities which end up looking a lot like house churches or or small churches that don't have the brick and mortar buildings but they're meeting you know 10 15 20 people in a house or an apartment or in a coffee shop and and studying the word together discipling one another and then being obedient to King Jesus with their lives um really at the end of the day we're trying to teach people how do they hear the voice of Jesus or the voice of the Holy Spirit and immediately do whatever he says um because at the core of disciple making that's what it is and that's what the Great Commission even says right like Go Make Disciples of all Nations baptize Bes them and then teach them to obey everything I've commanded like teach them to really follow me teach them to be like me that's really what Jesus's heartbeat was and so that's what our heart has become how do we get out there and raise up and equip everyday people who can really look like Jesus talk like Jesus Love Like Jesus and and be a true disciple and follower of Jesus who can go make more disciples and followers of him and build communities around that so that we can take the love of Jesus to as many places as possible um and so it's it's rapid reproduction man we're seeing people that you know come to Faith and they're immediately equipped and trained on how to go reach their friends and family how to tell other people about him um we've got a one of our leaders here in India that we partner with and and a quote that he says often is that the sharpest tool in God's hands is the testimony of a new believer right the sharpest tool in God's hands is a is a testimony of a new believer and so we want as soon as somebody comes to Faith we want to equip them and disciple them on how they can also share that passion and love that they found the love of Jesus that they found with people around them and so they're immediately going out similar to The Samaritan woman in the Bible or the gine demoniac who was possessed with a legion of evil spirits and Jesus casts them all out into the pigs and then this guy goes and preaches to 10 cities right um or like I mentioned the Samaritan woman who meets Jesus one time and then goes and reaches her whole village with the gospel um um those are the kinds of people we're looking for man people that are passionate excited they've had a true Encounter With Jesus and then we try to help disciple them and help them go reach their friends and family and start simple churches in their homes um and so all that to say Brett in the last 10 years man um we've now seen well over uh 30,000 new churches started uh in the last 10 years I think our most recent numbers because some of them merge together some of them quit meeting you know what I mean I think our most recent numbers we've got somewhere around 23,000 active churches in our Network right now that are meeting every single week um and uh and it's just unbelievable to see what God is doing he's he's raising up so many people to see movements of multiplication happen in in not only uh here in the nation we live in but all the surrounding countries as well and so it's been it's been remarkable to see bro yeah no that's that's amazing and thank thank you so much for sharing I love that I wrote that down just the sharpest Tool uh in God's hand is uh the testimony of a new believer I think that's so that's so powerful and again uh it's it's contagious uh I know that if you're out there and you've seen someone experience the holy spirit for the first time experience and they give their life to Christ total surrender and then see their life over the p over the next week two weeks three weeks months and and it's just it's contagious the hunger that they have the the surrender that they have I think that's that's amazing and uh so many stories of the Bible um just talks through that like you mentioned this SM woman so uh let's talk about you've been doing some of these different activities with these unreached people groups and you just got back from a recent Mission uh to Sri Lanka and that's been one of just uh you know one of the things that the callings that your organization has really gone after and it was just amazing to see um cuz I've actually never been a part of of something like that and where you got to be bro you gotta come man and and and it's just it's really powerful because I have everything again at at our fingertips and if I want to listen to a message or listen to the audio the audio Bible or or I have probably 20 Bibles in my home right and I just kind of take that for granted and oh everyone maybe has access to that and that's not true and you're going out there and you're talking to thousands of people who this might possibly really uh very um well could be the very first time that they've heard this news that this this message this gospel message and uh this exciting I think you had six or 7 thousand people at the last night of this particular event and you guys do a a 3-day event another 3-day event you're really just evangelizing uh through about these unreached people groups can you kind of talk about your experience with that and what is that like to again going back to the early church to talk to so many people who' never actually heard the the gospel message before yeah it it is um honestly some of the most exciting moments of my life man honestly like it's I think in the west sometimes we just assume that people know who Jesus is they've heard about him and they've rejected him or chosen not to follow or whatever but there are millions of people and I mean most missiologists would say billions who have never actually heard a clear gospel presentation um across the world and so uh yeah we were in Sri Lanka our our first three days there we were in a completely unreached District it was the most unreached District of Sri Lanka and uh uh we did this event in the middle of three different Villages and and all those three villages had no churches in them um like you said many of them had never heard the name of Jesus or heard anything about Jesus before in their lives and uh we did we sent buses in order to get these people from the different Villages and came and we just preached very clear simple gospel messages for three straight nights um and in this completely unreached area man you know we saw I forget what the exact number was but it was somewhere around 200 I think it was 20 40 or something like that I I'll have to look at my my numbers but we had like 20 and something people uh I think it was like 40 or 50 240 or 50 people who said yes to Jesus for the first time in their lives um we saw miracles happen man like and I grew up in a church that said that stuff doesn't happen anymore like I right I grew up in a church that said that stuff died with the apostles and and here I am in Sri Lanka and we're just praying over people and God is touching the man and radically transforming their lives I mean we saw death ears open we saw blind eyes open we saw people that um were we had one guy that had a stroke and he was paralyzed on one side of his body and he could move uh both sides of his body after Jesus touched him uh we saw people like literally like we read about in the gospels in the book of Acts um possessed with evil spirits that were completely set free and delivered um it was incredible to see it um and it was like we were on the front lines in the pages of the book of act just watching God move it was incredible and it it just showed us man that Jesus is still alive right and then right after that we went to a a city that uh does have churches in it but there are tons of unreached people in the city and and that's where we had our bigger event so we partnered with like 75 local churches in order to try to uh reach as many lost people with the gospel as possible and at that event we uh yeah on our final night we had like 7,000 people on the ground um in order it was like an open a gospel event think about like a crusade or something or whatever um and so there we saw I mean uh over three days we saw 1,340 people give their lives to Jesus wow um which is just crazy so over the course of six days man we saw over 1600 people say yes to Jesus countless Miracles countless people that were set free and delivered from demonic attacks in their lives um it was unbelievable man and incredible to see and uh just just to see these people that were so hungry for the gospel that many of them like you said had never heard his name before and yet here they are hungry and ready to accept him into their lives man Jesus is Alive he is active he is working um we still serve the Luke 15 God man who's leaving the 99 to go after the one he's still sweeping under tables looking for lost coins he's still stepping out on his front porch every morning looking for lost kids to run home you know and uh and and when we go meet him in those places and when we meet him amongst lost people I mean God just does remarkable incredible things in those moments and and uh anyway it was it was incredible to be a part of it man to see what God did man that's amazing that's amazing yeah thanks so much for sharing uh if uh if we get a chance um I know you had a couple of videos he actually sent to me we maybe put some of that on our YouTube channel as well just during this particular episode so that's that's awesome so Josh you've again I'm super excited just to have you come on to the iron deep organization you have so much experience discipleship making you've done some amazing just Ministry for the kingdom and these unreached people groups uh and then now you know one of the parts of this episode really is just talking about this transition this change right you've been in India for the last 16 years you've uh been doing this type of church planning Ministries your wife's been doing uh you know impoverished children in that organization that she's been a part of leading that and then now you're actually moving from India to Indiana which which which which is cool right so you're moving actually my wife my wife said it had to have India in the name if we were gonna move there so it had it had to be Indiana so you're actually moving from from India to to Indiana and I know you know portion of this is again some of the the dark persecution that your family has exper experiened and some of the the trauma that that's a that that's been happening and uh but uh there's obviously you this other calling to your life you're moving in Indiana and then you're in the season of change right now so I know we've had a little bit of personal conversations but you know what is this like for you personally uh I know your family and and your wife is is going through her uh emotional levels of this transition but but you personally you're you've been planted in this location for years now and then now you're coming back to the States and what what is this like like for you yeah I mean it's a it's a lot of mixed emotions man you know you being on the field on the front lines overseas really does become a part of your identity it becomes a part of who you are I I I I feel like you know even for our listeners watching you know there are men that I've talked to before and even Brett you talked to me about a season you went through like this too where like entrepreneurs who are leading a business and then they either hand it over or sell it and now you know what who are they what is their identity right and it's the same thing on the mission field it's like for so long this has been who I am and and now we're transitioning into a new season now I'm still going to be doing Ministry and I'm still going to be which we'll talk about that for a few minutes but um it there is some identity pieces going on we're also moving away from my wife's family they have been pillars in our lives I mean they have been such a such an incredible uh blessing to us for so many years and the idea of living 10,000 miles away from them for the first time since we got married is is going to be incredibly difficult we will be closer to my family so it's always Bittersweet feelings right like we're we're there are sweet things that are coming in this next season that we know that I'll be closer to my family and we'll have friends that we're closer to that we've not been close to in a long time but in order to get that we're also leaving family and friends here and so there's the there's kind of those bitter feelings on that that side but the sweet feelings on the other side and so there's a lot of mixed emotions man but we are we do know my wife and I both know that the Lord is leading us uh to take this step we know that he's guiding us into this next season and so uh her and I both have come to know for the last 16 years that the best place to be is Right smack dab in the middle of God's will wherever that is and we do know that he's guiding us uh into this situation and so I know that God has something special in store um um and you know a couple things we're really looking forward to are what you mentioned I'll I'll be a part of the team helping them with vision and and strategy in the future um and also you know being able to be a part of this iron deep team and pouring into men who uh you know are are I believe are going to shake cities and nations with the gospel I I think the people that are part of iron deep are becoming the men that God has called them to be every single day men that are going to lead their family strongly being incredible husbands and fathers but also be disciples who make disciples and and shape nations with the gospel and so to be able to be a part of that is incredibly exciting and uh to be a part of helping churches All Over America uh really experience true discipl making and multiplication um putting those things together I'm I'm incredibly incredibly excited about yeah no man uh and we're super excited to have you I know again I've already mentioned this before but just your your passion number one every time I talk to you I come I come away I think inspired encouraged uh just to keep keep going keep running the race sometimes again as an entrepreneur as a business owner you can seem alone seem isolated I'm sure even on the mission field as I've even done iron deep right you're you're leading you're trying to do what God's calling you to do but it can also seem a little bit alone at times uh and uh so it's always always nice again iron sharpens iron to come together with other brothers I come away and encouraged a little bit more fiery and and hungry for the calling that God's placed here on this ministry super excited to have you and um and then I love what you talked about just just men uh you know let's dive into that a little bit deeper is that uh you know when you looked at iron deep you know you're seeing seeing these businessmen and uh businessmen come to the Lord you know being a good Steward of not only their businesses but their families their finances and again that's where I kind of see the influence that they have on their workplace their families their communities and that's how we can spread uh even further and can you take us into just you know when you're thinking about that and I was talking to you about iron deep and really just wanting to impact uh business owner men's lives uh talk to us about that a little bit deeper on what do you see out there again even as a missionary and you're seeing these other Mission organizations H how can businessmen impact the kingdom um in such a such an amazing way yeah absolutely I mean there are well here's here's a couple big things just right off the top of my head um seeing the Great Commission completed In Our Lifetime and seeing lost people reached and broken people healed and and impoverished people you know set free out of poverty and all those things it takes signific resources it it really does and so um at the end of the day it is normally businessmen and successful men and families that are either donating to Mission organizations financially or to the local church and that local church is then sending money to some of these Mission organizations and so some of these successful businessmen um have really been the backbone of seeing Mission work happened for years and years and years um it's it's the resources that they're able to provide for the kingdom um that is making an incredible impact across the world and and and none of what we've done in South Asia none of what my in-laws have done in South Asia none of what other missionary friends that I have have done across the world would be possible without faithful men and women that are sacrificing um and being incredibly generous with their resources uh in order to see that happen and so um for those of you out there that are listening right now that are you know in the business bus world you're a Believer man I just want to encourage you like all the fruit that we've been talking about the churches planted and and the you know the uh the the people reached and the disciples made and all that type of stuff the people coming to Faith um that is the fruit of incredibly sacrificial generous men and women across the world none of that would be possible without people like you um and so that is one major way but it's not just finances guys like we have people that are giving time and and energy and talents and thinking strategically businessmen are some of the most strategic um creative people in the world I mean they're they're entrepreneurial they know how to they know how to get around problems they know how to overcome roadblocks they know how to start stuff and and keep it going and and make it sustainable and create systems and processes around it all of that is necessary to see the Great Commission completed In Our Lifetime and so it's not just that we need you know checks sent across the world we need we need men and women who are gifted in these different areas to give their resources and their talents and their abilities for the sake of the Kingdom globally and and when people do that Brett man they are going to be able to shake cities and nations with the gospel um and and we want to make sure that we're focused on the things that are truly going to make Eternal impact right and and make a significant impact across the world um and so anyway I I think that and let me let me say one more thing I know we're almost out of time but but this this gets me excited just thinking about pouring into to men like this when businessmen are um when they become the husbands that God has called them to be and the when they become the husbands that God has called them to be and the fathers that that God has called them to be when we have strong families and strong local churches because of these strong men who are leading well with Integrity with character um strong families produce incred children and incredible children rais up to be the future doctors and nurses and missionaries and preachers and and pastors and Engineers who can impact the globe with the gospel um no matter where they're at and so these men when they are creating strong families and strong local churches that in and of itself is making disciples that impact the nations with the gospel and uh and these things man I mean they there is nothing nothing can replace a godly man living and loving his wife and loving his kids and sacrificing for the kingdom globally nothing can replace that man and we need men like that all over the world that are giving their lives for the sake of the kingdom and giving their lives for the sake of their families amen I love it I love it well that again inspiring encouraging and just again if you're listening in just encouraging you uh to you're not alone I've said that before that you're not alone that we can all come together and to to raise each other up to sharpen each other to encourage each other to be who God has called us to be uh and it then starts in your home H to be that husband that your wife said yes to forever to right and and to pursue God and to pursue her and uh to pursue your children and to to to start as your first mission field to disciple them um in an amazing Godly way so that's that's awesome uh Josh it's awesome to have you as part of the iron deep organization we're super excited I know you're having this big change this big transition we want to welcome you um just an amazing way I know there's going to be some differences culturally and and things like that how can really uh someone a community come in and support like a family like yours coming in coming from a completely different culture and we have this happening all the time but like what's what's a way that like you um would would say hey a an amazing welcoming Community to welcome a family like yours uh because I know the cultural differences are going to be going to be huge but what's your hope it with Coming To America with the community uh surrounding you what does that what does that look like in your hopes for that yeah that's man that's a great question um you know I I mean number one I I would I I covet everyone's listening like everyone who's listening your prayers for especially for my wife and kids um you know my wife has never lived longterm outside of India and so uh this is going to be really her first major transition internationally she's visited America hundreds of times but has has not lived there long term and so this is going to be a major transition for her my kids have been born and raised here um and so for you know for them going uh to the states uh to live for the first time they'll be in school in the states for the first time I would just CET all of your prayers for that so that I mean prayer covering is huge Brett number one I think number two um you know depending on where where everybody's at if you've got a family like ours coming in you know I would also encourage you one one big transition is just learning like uh how to how to live with the systems and structure in the States because the systems are completely different here right and we've not lived there in 16 years I was shocked bro to know how much stuff costs Now in America like know tried to do our budget I was like holy cow like uh just just thinking through all that right um and so you know and and uh you know getting getting on a rhythm of of you know cooking and cleaning the house and and and making sure that our kids are taken care of and all those things I mean I would just say reach out to families like that um offer you know if you wanna if if somebody would like to if you have a family like ours coming into your city or town you know um bring in a couple nights worth of food to to to to put in a freezer uh to to bless the family right as they get there so they don't have to worry about man we got to go get groceries we got to cook food and we got to take care of everything um I mean stuff like that is a huge blessing um you know as families transition especially from a place like South Asia to the US the financial change is pretty significant and so just just blessing uh a family financially and I don't mean major money I'm not talking stuff like that but but but blessing them in small ways finally is a huge gift I mean we've had friends that for example one of the biggest blessings was they they put together like an Amazon registry for our house and and several people from a couple different churches ordered several things we needed for our home like pots and pans and silver almost like a housewarming type of a gift or party um and they put together something like that like I would encourage if you've got a family moving in like that that was such a blessing for us like putting together some sort of registry for their house when they're moving in to bless them with something like that would be beautiful and incredible um just things like that Brett you know when when you think of a family moving in there's so many things to think about they get so overwhelmed and and just letting them know that you're there for them letting them know you're praying for them that you love them notes of encouragement food here and there uh you know stuff like that I think I think those things are are huge blessings yeah that's awesome that's awesome I love that and really just uh reaching out and and see how H how can we help and how can we support you cuz you can't imagine like you guys aren't bringing in this U-Haul truck right to uh with all this stuff right that we have and uh so it's crazy how um you know all these little things that you don't have that that you need uh could be as simple as the p and pan so that's awesome well we welcome you and we we'll be praying for you um and uh just during this this transition for you and your whole family um so well thank you so much again for joining the iron deep team it's been awesome on this particular podcast guys uh Josh Howard will be part of the iron deep organization so part of his role here which I haven't even mentioned was really um really just kind of helping out produce some of this content right so he he will be part of this particular podcast which you guys have already seen so much inspiration and encouragement and just the passion and love for Christ that he has that he's just really going to bring in the content space of podcasts and some videos uh he's really really awesome at that uh he's also written couple of books uh so he's also going to be doing some just some writing some content for the iron deep organization and he'll also be doing some of the recruiting and just talking and discipleship making of our organization so when we have new events he might be the person that you particularly will talk to about that event uh we have an event called The Men's Awakening coming up September 22nd through the 25th in Georgia so he might be the person that talks to you about that uh and and really you know that's going to be really part of his role so you're going to be seeing his face you're going to be getting know him a little bit more if you come to event he will eventually start to be part of the iron deep events as he kind of gets you know transitioned in first and ENT uh you know uh settled in with the organization but uh but it's awesome to have you Josh um super just amazed to to walk on this journey with you buddy and um so thanks thank you so much awesome well this no thank you Brad it's an honor bro appreciate you man you too man well this is a wrap with the iron D podcast we're going to do another podcast actually next with Josh Howard and we're going to be digging a little bit more of a fun podcast about fatherhood so M make sure you guys stay tuned for that uh in a week or two um also with that check out our our website Iron we do have an event called The Men's Awakening coming up it's in Northern Georgia in the mountains of of Georgia and it's the September 22nd through the 25th you can register and apply on iron love to see you there I mean this is basically businessmen uh all Under One Roof getting together to typically it's about 25 30 guys and uh and it's just an amazing experience we've had so much great response uh just to get away to retreat from the battles lines and and the front lines uh to just to be together and get to know other businessmen in a really real and raw way and get to know our father in a real and raw way so make sure you guys check that out we got other stuff coming up on iron and that's a wrap we'll see you guys soon