Healthy Faith
May 4, 2022

Fun As A Father | The Importance Of Having Fun With Your Kids | Josh Howard

As an entrepreneur, it can be hard to spend time with our kids.

As an entrepreneur, it can be hard to spend time with our kids. It can be even harder creating lasting memories with our children. But this is a crucial piece when it comes to building strong and lasting relationships with your kids.

One of the best and healthiest ways to strengthen the bonds between fathers and their sons and daughters is by having fun with them. Often times we underestimate the value of fun. But in truth, fun is one of the easie

There are lots of ways to have fun with our children, from small to big ways. In this episode, Josh and Brett discuss different options and approaches to having fun and creating fun experiences with your kids. From the small day-to-day routines to the special big trips or other less frequent and most natural ways to relate with our kids. And the fun experiences we have with our kids are often very memorable.

Listen in as Brett & Josh share their own fun and unique experiences with their dads, as well as with their own children. And how you can plan out great ways to make room for these important experiences.

18 Summers:


Fun As A Father | The Importance Of Having Fun With Your Kids | Josh Howard

I would go to your kids no matter how old they are maybe they're already grown adults and you're listening and you made some mistakes it's never too late for repentance it's never too late for confession it's never too late to begin to try to make things right with your kids you may think it is you may think they're too old that you've made too many mistakes but I promise you that if you just go and and open up to them it's going to bring so much healing to

them what's up bre nograss here with iron deep podcast got Josh Howard on the episode with me again what's going on Josh what is up man good to be back yeah man super uh super excited for this particular episode as well we just had introduced Josh is's a new member of the iron deep organization he just moved to the States from India uh where he's been at for 16 years just moved to Indiana and we're excited to have him so you're going to see his face more on the iron deep podcast he's going to be part of the content from Iron deep uh so let's make make sure we welcome him with Open Arms reach out to him his email is going to be joshon uh so we're going to get that set up but he's brand new uh to the organization uh but he's not brand new to iron deep he's actually been on this as a guest a couple times before just talking about his mission and discipleship making in India and CH and church planting so make sure you check out the past episodes with Josh Howard and this particular episode Josh um sometimes we go deep and we go real serious on our episodes just some of the the the darker things maybe men struggle with and we really go to penetrate the heart of men um in this world and really just try to uh you know talk to them in just a real and raw way about some of the things that they're facing as a businessman or as a husband or as a father uh and we're just trying to encourage them this is a little bit different we're going to go a little bit light-hearted guys and uh this is really just kind of titled the fun of fatherhood and most of the men listening this are fathers and uh and I don't know about you Josh but when I think of fatherhood and all the things that I've done in my life all the experiences that I've done or projects or businesses that we've scaled or LED or Ministries that we've done and I think of the one of the most challenging things I would probably label fatherhood as the most challenging honestly as as of all the things that I've done and and it can be a very challenging thing and we can talk about that we're probably going to have other episodes of the different challenges of fatherhood but but this is just about fun right and I think that one thing I don't know about it's you but for me I lose some of the fun of fatherhood because I'm always trying to be so serious and my kids to behave a certain way and we have to have this perfect family and and all these different things and I put so much pressure on myself that it just sucks the fun out of it right would you kind of relate to that a little bit and I don't I don't know about your own family but maybe you're not like me I don't know no AB absolutely bro yeah I mean it reminds me of uh one of my favorite comedians is Brian rean I don't know if you listen to him but he has a bit he does about one of his kids slurping up a a spaghetti noodle from his plate and it just whipped everywhere and shot uh you know shot the sauce on the wall and all that and he got really upset with his kid and uh he was like I made a mistake I know I made a mistake because he was like I basically said don't you understand that the pain on the walls is more important than the joy in your

heart that that is true how often do we fall into that bro where it's like um you know the the kids the kids are having fun doing something but maybe they're disturbing something we're trying to focus on and we get upset but they're just having fun they're not doing anything wrong and we and and so it's so easy I think to take ourselves too seriously to get hard on our kids uh when when they that we really shouldn't be um and so yeah I mean I definitely relate um I I wanna I want to be fun I want to be a you know I want I want my kids to love being around me but there's times where depending on what's going on bro that's they don't always get they don't always get fun dad you know fun D yeah they it's true it's it's it just kind of reminds me of and you guys think about this as you think about your own um uh as a father some of the the kids that your kids might make make mistake and it reminds me I have a son named Gavin he's N9 years old and he's my most I think adventurous child uh he always goes against the grain like whatever you want him to say he just just to kind of push your button a little bit he's going to say the opposite of what you think he should say say or do the opposite and he's always pushing the envelope uh for example like I said he's nine and we have a golf cart uh and you know we drive around our communities a little bit we drive to the community pool and things like that but again he's 9 years old and I let him drive the golf cart when I'm with him uh particularly but there's also cars on our streets and things like that well me and my wife the other day we were wanting to take a walk and he wanted to to drive the golf C and I said hey buddy you know we'll drive it after I get home let me walk with my wife we're going to take a little bit of walk just so we can have some time together and talk and all of a sudden my wife were walking in our particular neighborhood and then we're walking back towards our house and here's my 9-year-old backing the golf cart out of the driveway on his own into the streets thinking you know I'm just just I'm just gonna take a spin right I don't care what you said Dad I'm ready to drive this thing like didn't I don't think you really thought about it um and that was just a just a fun moment and again you put the serious dad hat on like what are you doing you're 9 years old you're going to hurt yourself you're going to hit a mailbox you're going to hit a car or or like you're just going to embarrass me because I'm letting my 9-year-old drive around drive around the the neighborhood and uh and uh again he's the my most adventurous one another one was again was kind of a serious moment my parents were on they took us on a trip on their 50th wedding anniversary last or a couple of weeks ago and my again Gavin and he brings uh he has a cousin named Alex and they're kind of like two peas in a pod they're always hanging out and they love to find Little Critters little lizards and and all these different things so we're in Florida and he's finding all these lizards so we got like five or six of these lizards that they put into this uh little container they put holes in it and these lizards are kind of living in there and this home happened to have a swimming pool in it and we told them make sure you don't let the lizards out you know in so they get into the pool and lo and behold we wake up one day and the lizards are literally swimming in the swimming pool and my mom she's getting upset and we're kind of all like oh my gosh I couldn't believe you do this but at the same time I'm like that's just that's going to be probably be a funny story later on that he let the lizards out in the swimming pool and my parents 50th wedding anniversary trip and it was kind of big ordeal so that's just like some of the things again when I look back just some of the some of the childhood things but like Josh I'll kind of pass it over to you again this is just more of a more of a stories but that's some of the things that like maybe I take my fatherhood so seriously but I look back I'm kind of chuckling on the inside of of what some of my kids are are doing because I look back and see what I did you know as a kid right yeah no AB absolutely man I mean there's I think and I think we always to keep that into perspective you know like that it if if it's not going to matter in a couple days you know what like sometimes we like you just said we take things so seriously in the moment but then realize you know what in a couple hours this doesn't actually matter like what I'm getting upset right now about in a couple days or a week you know now there are some things where yeah they will they definitely will matter and uh you know like I mean like uh you know our if our kids are doing something that's life-threatening or whatever you know then we need to we need to make sure that they're okay um I remember one time my my son he was maybe four or five and I was getting ready to go preach at a church and my wife um was had her straightener on right her hair straightener and my son reached out to grab it but but it was hot right and so my wife screamed like like no Josiah you know and and and almost tried to smack his hand away and it scared him so much that he that he really he he started crying and was upset and I came to him and I said buddy mommy was just trying to she didn't want you to burn your hand man you know and he was like she could have said it nicely right I'm like okay there there are times you say things nicely and then there are times buddy where you're getting ready to burn your hand off and we need to we need to scream and make sure that you're okay you know um but uh but but anyway I I do think though there are times where you know if it's something small and and it really doesn't matter that much I remember my mom man I know we're talking about fatherhood but I I grew up in a home that was a divorced home a broken home grew up with my mom and my mom man was a rockstar single mom and the the way that she raised me bro I never remember her getting super overly frustrated and angry at me over little things like I I never I never remember her um you know letting going off the handle over something stupid where I like hey I didn't do I really didn't do anything like the the crime the crime that I did didn't match the punishment you know what I mean like I I never felt that way and and and honestly I don't know that I can say the same thing with my fatherhood I think there's gonna be memories of my kids when they look back where it's like actually there were a couple times dad was pretty on edge and got upset about things he probably shouldn't have or whatever but with my mom man I never remember that and it's such a beautiful thing to just take life easy to be easygo to not be overly on edge all the time to you know to to really just kind of take things as they come and and and rather than rather than escalating the situation what can we do as fathers to deescalate the situation and and to make sure that it doesn't blow up I I I wish I would have learned that more from my mom honestly yeah but yeah we gota got to keep getting better at it yeah now I love what you mentioned too that and I don't I don't do this well and I I'm a really easygoing person and uh I don't like conflict that much I don't like getting upset uh arguing about different things and um honestly when I was a teacher so right after I graduated college if you guys know my story a little bit I taught school for about a year and I didn't enjoy teaching and really I remember this vaguely I said I don't enjoy teaching because I don't enjoy always having to be on the kids all the time like I don't like that environment and I felt like I was always having to put a very firm foot down and get on them because they weren't doing what they were supposed to be doing and I said I don't like that part of me and then a lot of that comes out as a father and I was reading a book um uh you know a couple of months ago about fatherhood I think it's uh parenting getting it right um and it's uh it talked about yelling for example and it said you know the really the only times you should yell is if there's maybe some sort of an emergency like the curling iron or like maybe they're running into the particular Street I think he even mentioned in the particular book that one of his children had gotten lost at the at the store and the brother came and he was yelling for them and in that certain emergency and and and that's when you should maybe yell if there's an emergency and maybe not yell and maybe make that a common um just a common conversation in the home and I can find our home our homes like you know the the voices kind of get raised and that again sucks the the fun out of it so maybe I look at my own life like you know really was that a was that an emergency or was that a yelling thing or was that just boys being boys and or you know girls being boy girls being girls and uh and it's not an emergency so that's just one thing that you know it kind of brought to my mind for you when you were talking about situation with your son um some other things I just want to go uh I I one of the very fun things that I've done that I've actually became a part of is I love doing adventures and taking my kids on certain types of Adventures and just trying to get a rhythm of Adventures one of the things that I've Lov taking my kids to certain type of camps that's one of the fun things that we've been able to do uh there's there's an organization called Dad Camp which is you come to the states uh Josh I think would be just a great thing to to kind of come to it's it's one time you can take your son or your daughter to this particular Camp they teach you how to be a better dad and you get to spend some just an amazing fun adventures with your son or daughter you're doing ziplining and Tall ropes courses and you know just fun whatever sport dodgeball just you know doing slip and slides and stuff like that and those are some of the fun memories uh that that I've been able to do well uh with my children uh so so far and one of the things that they do uh one of their core values I guess they would say is make sure you say yes to your son or daughter this particular weekend because we're so used to saying no all the time don't touch that don't do that you know no can I do this Dad no and I guess if I look at my own life I'm like how many times do I say no to my kids versus I say yes um and what can you say yes to so how can you build that environment of fun that that you can say yes more often and I'll kind of pass that over to you Josh like that's the one thing I think what what can I say yes to because I love I love to do that can I do that Dad yes right I mean it just feels good it feels awesome will you do this with me Dad yes because a lot of times is no Dad's too busy dad's got his own agenda so no I can't take you fishing because I got my stuff to do right um it's just an example so right yeah one fun thing that we did man around that idea there was a movie that came out several years ago I think it was actually called yes day and the whole thing was about the the family could not like the parents couldn't say no to anything the kids wanted to do and so they built out like an entire list of things they wanted to do for the day and it ends up being an incredibly crazy day or whatever but one thing it's like it's like they're playing video games eating Candy drinking you know a slurpie right so it's it's a funny movie uh but after that um we actually we actually did a yes day with our kids um after we watched that movie now we made some we made some very clear very clear guidelines on on what what they could ask for and what they couldn't but it was basically a day where they could kind of build out what they wanted to do for the day and uh the way we did it is we approved the agenda for the day in advance um and and they built it out and we made guidelines in advance and and then they kind of built it out and we just every every part of the day it was it was yes we're gonna do this you know and and and had fun doing it and it was it was an incredible day man like we had a we had a blast and and we had a great time doing stuff and it it doesn't even have to be something where you spend massive amounts of money you know what I mean like some of the things were just fun games the kids wanted to play and and you know different places they wanted to go and and and to the park and to do this and to do that and just it was it was a really cool thing I would honestly we've only done at once and it makes me think you know we we should maybe make that even more of a rhythm in our in our lives like have a day or two a year that we do something like that just extra and fun you know what I mean um because I I noticed myself man in the in the Daily Grind my initial reaction to most requests is like that my my immediate reaction is a no most of the time like no I've got this or no I've got that or no we're getting ready to eat or no we can't like it's it's like that's kind of our built-in reaction to any requests that our kids have most of the time and I think it's important like you said man for us to kind of break that and and and make room for us to be able to say yes to more things um and so that yes day was kind of a cool way to basically try to break that at least for a day and say we're g to we're going to do everything you want to do today uh whatever that looks like and uh so anyway that's awesome no I love that yes I'm writing that down so if you guys are listening then write down some of these different ideas again you know I mentioned dad Camp just doing some of the adventures building that that's a yearly Rhythm for us I get to spend that one-on-one time with my kids I have four children so it's hard to to get that one-on-one time with them well this is uh it's already scheduled in it's already penciled in that I know I get to have one-on-one time with them that's already kind of a program uh built in that they're already going to have so much fun um some other resources again Josh talked about yesterday that's an awesome resource another resource to some good friends of mine Jim and Jamie Shields they have a podcast called 18 Summers and they've written a book about you know some of this concepts of 18 Summers and uh and again my daughter is going to be a senior so this is obviously coming fresh to mind so she's 17 going to be turning 18 um you know in about 6 months and and now it's times like wow that was that that went fast 18 Summers right and uh what are some of the fun things and and memories that I've been able uh to to do with her and I wanted to mention one thing is you know a lot of businessmen are listening to this particular one is something that's been on my heart is what could I do to help bring them in and teach them about just entrepreneurship and business and and things of that nature and I this summer I've been probably more intentional about that with her coming into her senior year that I've done in the past and what does it look like uh so we flip houses we buy and sell houses and so we bought a house we bought a house in my local community and we decided to to flip this particular house and if you guys know me like I don't do a lot of the physical work in the particular houses any longer I used to do that 10 years ago but I don't do that any longer because I'm setting the vision and I'm running the business and all that but uh but for her sake uh she needed a summer job so she was going to get a summer job anyways so instead of getting a summer job at Subway or crumble cookie which he's had in the past or whatever that looks like I said hey let's flip this particular house together and uh and let's do that and do you have anybody else that wants to do it with you because I was like Hey she'd be more likely to do it if she brought a friend with her so we bought this house we're in our fourth week now flipping this house and it's a lot of fun she literally has paint on her dust and paint and grime never seen her like this every single day uh and and it's just a lot of fun she's learning some skills uh and and they love it right they would much rather do this particularly and I get to and it's hard to spend that time with your 17-year-old right now that if I wasn't doing this particular project they're having fun I'm having fun and that's just one thing to help bring her into the business to learn these skills but that also gets to hang out with my daughter uh that's just an example so I would ask you guys if you guys are owning this business how do can you bring your kids more into your business to teach them some of these skills or your ministry um that's just one thing another thing that I did with my daughter is we had a couples event for iron deep about a month ago brought in couples we had this this huge um we rent out this place we had about 11 couples there but I wanted some people to help right to help serve to help in the background well again I said hey asked my 17-year-old daughter would you like to come serve at this particular event and would you like to bring a friend because again she'd be more likely to come if she brought a friend with her and they did and they loved it and so again uh just BR helping bring that was more of a Ministry thing bring your kids into that world into that Ministry and Josh I want to ask you you've been a missionary you've planted churches you've done some amazing different things in your ministry uh you've also been a ser entrepreneur uh started you know some businesses but have you done anything just to bring your kids into that world or it might even be like I don't even know what you're talking about we all do this all the time this is just what what our what our family does but um can you give us some examples yeah I mean I would say I would say living on the mission field they are a part of of of everything all the time I mean they you know like we would especially with my in-laws organization you know we would have distribution camps for widows in villages or distribution for uh for kids that were impoverished and stuff like that they were always a part of stuff like that like they'd be handing out the rice to the widows or they'd be handing out clothes to kids that were without it one one year even um as my boys got a little bit older they had all these like little kid toys that they never played with anymore and they ended up getting them all together all the toys didn't play with anymore and we went out to a local Village and had a distribution with all the kids in the village where they got to hand out all their toys that they didn't play with anymore to younger kids out there where the kids in the village could pick toys and stuff like that um and so I would say that is a benefit of living on the mission field is that the kids are a part of of a lot of of what we do um now one thing that I did start doing with my son um and this is something a little bit separate but he really started to get my oldest son Josiah he started to really get into like video um and he's dreaming of being a movie director in the future and stuff like that and so when he was younger um you know we I I really started just working with him because I had a I had a background on like phography and editing and stuff like that and so um I would just sit him down and and we would uh make little films together and little you know teach him how to edit and stuff like that and and uh and then he started I mean he is so much better than me now bro I mean he he kills it he's he's unbelievable um and is just doing an incredible work with all that but but really also looking at what their interests are and even if I'm not doing that anymore with my job or in my life but showing like seeing that oh they've got my son has this interest in this area so why don't we do it together for a season and try to and try to make sure that uh it's something that he's really interested in um and and things like that you know my my middle child really just recently got into speed cubing like Rubik's Cubes doing them super fast um and uh because because because I grew up in a broken home it's really important to me that I'm at stuff for my kids uh like and I I want to be there um and so for example my son had his first Rubik's cube competition in Indianapolis a few months ago where he went and actually competed for for Speed cubing and all that I was actually preaching in a different city the night before the event and the event was the following morning at uh I think we had to be there like at 8:30 and I was preaching at like 800 P.M Friday night about six hours away wow um and so um and so basically man I I um I flew a friend to I was in Memphis I I flew a friend of mine to Memphis uh to be there with me Friday night we rented a car so that he could drive me back and I could sleep at night to get back from my son's competition like because I I want to be at everything I can be you know I don't want to miss stuff you know what I mean yeah and so I also think not only bringing our into our world but also us making sure we're getting into their world too is really important yeah and so what are they interested in what are they enjoying and and how can we even if we don't necessarily know much about it or or we may not be able to do it very much but being there doing it with them supporting them I think I think both of those are really really important yeah uh just in order to make sure that they're a part of our world and we're a part of their world and what their interests are yeah definitely definitely I think that's really really important and a lot of times your kids aren't interested in the particular things that you're interested in you want them to be interested in something but maybe they're not and um and I think you know my boys I was kind of a sports guy growing up my dad was a high school basketball coach I played basketball I played college basketball so I was all about kind of basketball sports teams and things like that and my one son you know I mentioned Gavin and I have another son named Ethan we've done some different basketball and even my oldest daughter but honestly at the end of the day I don't know if that's really their thing I don't think that they're really super interested in that uh but they're interested more in building things uh you know engineer types of things my son Ethan loves to build Legos imagination and and loves to do things like that um he also loves just they love kind of business stuff and and he's having a limit he during his summer he has a lemonade stand like every three days right so he's he's knocking on doors and doing stuff like that and then my one son Gavin he's really into robotics uh so again I don't know anything about robotics I have no my engineer mind doesn't know anything about any of that stuff but that's just what he's kind of into he takes apart toys that and tries to build a robot out of it right so it's like I have no idea you know anything about that but to be interested in that is something he's also really into fishing and I didn't grow up fishing so fishing is a little bit new to me I will fish but I'm not the guy out there that can spend four hours and and fish right uh but he's really into it so that's another thing I was like hey I got I I need a I want to lean into that and what does that kind of look like uh just again what is he interested in so um so I'm I'm really good at the big things and I've said this maybe on a different podcast I'm good at some of the big things that I've mentioned you know going on the weekly going on the yearly dad camps I've taken my daughter um my older daughter we went on this California it's called JH Ranch adventure camp that was cool I've done Daddy Daughter dances I've done dad dad son types of big adventure trips I've done a lot of stuff like that and I'm good at the big things the planning out things but sometimes it's the day-to-day consistency that that I that I kind of struggle with and you mentioned this it doesn't have to be this big thing uh it could just be some of those those small things and saying yes to those to those daily activities and um you know I always love when my kids are together and you're just hearing them laugh about whatever it doesn't have to be anything there's just something about the innocence of the laughter of a child and I think that's why the God calls us right to to be Jesus says to be like this child can enter in the kingdom of heaven and what does that I always like what does that kind of look like and I think it's just that innocence of just just the innocent joy and the innocent of a new believer right it's just everything's new and everything's they're curious and uh The Wonder of of a child um I just you know I love to see that coming out in my own children what does that look like on a on a daily basis so Josh can you kind of give a little bit of a context even of your own home like talking to the men out there like you know we've talked about some of the big things but is there some of the daily things the Small Things the Rhythm the routine that even can seem monotonous at times right yeah yeah absolutely I I mean I've I think I struggle with similar stuff Brett I mean I better at like the planning stuff and and in the you know doing bigger things or whatever some of the more some of the more ongoing daily things though honestly like my kids love watching YouTube videos and funny things and stuff like that and so even if it's just sitting with them for five or 10 minutes and watching some funny videos that you can quote later with them and joke around with them you know that that keeps things fun in the house I remember when I was in junior high and high school I mean that's basically my entire conversations with my friends were quoting movies and quoting TV shows I mean that's that's literally all we would do like your whole conversation like they quote something then you quote something and then yes that was it and so and the girls look at you like what are the guys talking about they never know any of this lines yes exactly exactly and so just even doing stuff like that with the kids every you know every day or every few days just watching funny stuff quoting it with them later um you know whether it's YouTube videos or TV shows or whatever um or or when they're really young you know just sitting and playing with them for a few minutes means the world to them and uh and you know like my daughter she is really into baby dolls right now and stuff and so there are time she literally just wants me to sit with her and hold her little baby doll and we're just sitting there together holding holding the baby dolls and acting like we've got two babies you know or whatever um and so I think those daily little things that we may think are really small that aren't that big of a deal um it builds up over time where your kids remember that you were there you played with them that you you know they have those memories as they get older of us on the floor like you mentioned on the floor building Legos or or holding baby dolls or watching funny videos and laughing together and stuff like that I I think it's just small small things being present being there for them um and and making sure that you know every day that we're uh giving them love and attention and and a and a hug and and and just I think presence honestly bro is such a huge part of consistency in being a dad is is just being there for them and being around and and uh it's just little things you know yeah definitely yeah I think that uh you know you're exactly right sometimes we think we have to say the right thing or do the right thing and again sometimes you don't have to say anything it's just it's just being there and being present with him and not being distracted with your own with your own agenda right because and I think in today's world uh especially in the states that we can really get into that very distractive distracted mode and uh just we can constantly be entertained with whatever well especially especially on our phones man you know like my daughter she's five but man she'll put me in my place bro like if I'm sitting there if she if she wants me to be holding that baby doll and I'm on my phone like yeah Daddy put your phone away and hold the baby you know what I like yes okay yes yes ma'am exactly exactly well hope you guys enjoyed this particular episode this is really just a lighthearted uh fun episode how to have fun with your kids as a father some of the things I wrote down is how can you build that environment to say yes to your kids uh right I would love to just take an inventory of this week like how many times do you say no how many times you say yes how can you think about it because our immediate response is is no think about it and what can you say yes to um plan the adventure I'm not saying you know again I love the big things I love the adventures uh and the kids loved to that and part of that is just the anticipation oh Dad's going to take me here this particular weekend and you talk about it you you know and that's part of the fun it's just that anticipation of that Adventure um and I love that's where I that's my Niche that's what I really love doing but also doing that daily presence that daily fun um again uh what can you say yes to and then uh just that daily interaction holding the baby doll taking your kid out back fishing whatever it looks like uh uh just that daily fun um one of the things that again we like to we like to watch vid old videos of themselves on like my phone right when they were two and that's just fun they think it's hilarious how they talked and it's crazy um dads are impactful at the end of the day uh and we'll have other episodes on that of of the impact of a man in the home a Godly Man in the home of how your modeling that behavior is most of the time they're going to want to if as Sons they're going to want to be like you or they're going you uh they might not say it now but they will be like you and daughters might want to be with a man like you right so what does that look like in your home um and are you walking walking that walk it's hard it's hard so you have to be extremely intentional and uh and are you just too distracted too distracted to have fun with your kids do you have your own agenda your own seriousness the pressure of the business the family the finances all the things kind of Weighing on your shoulder you just forgot to have fun so hopefully this is a great reminder for you guys out there make sure you have fun with your families it is a huge blessing like what what an amazing blessing that God gave us to actually live in family like he didn't have to do that right we could have just not done that and not did it this way he could have had a lot of other ideas but he decided to put that and and and it's such a blessing and then have pleasure with your family um in your youth so any any last feedback Josh we wrap up today no I think I think this was great bro and uh you know for those of you listening that that are dads that are out there I mean maybe some of you have made some mistakes maybe you haven't been around um honestly this is what I would encourage you um I would I would go to your kids no matter how old they are maybe they're already grown adults and you're listening and you made some mistakes um it's never too late for repentance it's never too late for confession it's never too late to begin to try to make things right with your kids you may think it is you may think they're too old that you've made too many mistakes um but I promise you that if you just go and and open up to them it's going to bring so much healing to them and so if you if you're there and and and uh and you feel like you've made some mistakes confess that repent of it start new right now man and if your kids are still young and you've got a chance to be there man make sure that you're around make sure you go to their games you're at their recital you're you're present in their Liv you're having fun with them and uh yeah let's let's do everything that we can to really be the best dads possible so that our kids grow up to be Godly men and women who have a a role model to look up to and like Brett just said uh your boys are going to want to be like you and your daughters are going to want a man like you if you do this right and uh there's there's nothing more beautiful than that and so anyway just just to encourage you guys amen and that's a good that's a good word Josh thanks for for that as we wrap up this particular iron deep episode uh guys make sure you check out iron we're putting our events on there we have an event coming up this year called The Men's Awakening uh that if you want to check out iron deep that's just a great way to to come I'd love to just meet you it's a small group of guys uh it's not this huge conference in this hotel room it's a small group of guys we really get to know each other through that that's insan September 22nd through 25th and make sure you can apply on iron it's a wrap thanks Josh for being on the episode today we'll see you guys later God bless you