Healthy Family
May 4, 2022

RELATIONSHIPS STEWARDSHIP | Stewardship of Relationships According to the Bible

"Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone..."

When it comes to relationships, do we think of them as being something we're supposed to steward well? And if so, how do we steward the relationships God has intended for us according to His word?

We must ask ourselves why did God create man in the first place? It was because He desired relationship with us. He also intended us to have relationship with others. Genesis 2:18 says, "Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”

Things can be replaced, but people can't be. Relationships are of the utmost importance to God in why He created us and deal with how He intended for us to live. We all have relationships of some type, and this is something we all have to examine and evaluate to know what types of relationships God wants us to have and how they should be cared for and fostered.

Types of relationships that God wants to bless include husbands with wives, parents with children, godly friendships, mentorships, and more. Listen to Brett & Mike discuss relationships and the bible and how God wants us to steward our relationships.

RELATIONSHIPS STEWARDSHIP | Stewardship of Relationships According to the Bible